
Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 4 and 5

Week 4

While it always seems like a great idea to have a long weekend and a short schooling week, it always gives us troubles. Neither of us wanted to do our work; we still don't have our EPGY login information (see week 5); and she magically lost her book report on Island of the Blue Dolphins and had to start again which meant a battle of the wills ensued.... it was a struggle of a week. When we struggle, I try to slow things down and make it more fun. We finished reading Little Women and watched the movie. We spent more time playing games. We started Alice in Wonderland and she devoured White Fang. We made pretty birthday cards because September is a very popular month to be born.

 Week 5

I picked up a book and CD curriculum for Latin. It's much easier for kiddo so I count it as a win. Since it's a Christian Latin book, there's 2 prayers to memorize, so it has also been good for discussion about religions.

We're working through NaNoWriMo's Young Novelist Workbook, it's been a lot of fun. I love seeing the neat characters and backgrounds she comes up with. Definitely need to come up with more advanced spelling lists so its a challenge. I've been pulling her bonus word from the orange section and she's gotten a couple wrong. She's having so much fun with the activities but I still think she needs to push outside her comfort zone.

EPGY- We still do *not* have any information. The person that was supposed to register her not only dropped the ball but rolled it under the refrigerator of DOOM then went on vacation. So now I'm considering alternative curricula for math and language arts and have given them an already too generous extension to fix it by Tuesday.

Kiddo's special interest classes start back today. She was bummed the cooking class filled up but she got into sewing and a creativity class. I need a few dozen good books to keep me company during her classes, it's pointless to 40 minutes each way back home when she'll be there less than 3 hours.